
Can weather predict the best time to fish?

STEVE ROARK Summer weather always generates an interest in fishing, and over the ages there has been a ...


Kentucky Chamber speaks out against tax increases

JOHN HUGHES Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Recently, the U.S. Senate passed the “Inflation Reduction Act,” a bill aimed ...


Box turtle trivia

STEVE ROARK Contributing columnist The way a turtle is put together is pretty much the reverse of ours. ...


The gift of a bike

RICK ROOP Contributing columnist I recently rode 62 miles from Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, to Jonesville, Virginia to celebrate ...


Death from rabies, finale

JADON GIBSON Contributing columnist Rabies is highly infectious and can be a deadly killer. It is transmitted by ...


The forest primeval

STEVE ROARK Contributing columnist Most people envision that when Europeans first came to America there was a vast, ...


Chiggers are the price you pay for being outdoors

Steve Roark Contributing columnist I am presently paying a price for all the off-trail hiking and field wanderings ...


We deserve to know the truth about gas prices

The symbolism of President Biden’s recent and ill-fated bicycle ride had nothing to do with a fall to ...

News Main

Hidden gas tax hike is the last thing Kentucky needs

Brian ClarkExecutive Director, Kentucky Petroleum Marketers Association The pain at the pump is real. As gas prices soar, ...


Time to legalize sports betting in Kentucky

This map provided by the American Gambling Association shows the status of legalized sports betting in the United ...

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