
Reader appreciates those who keep Bell County clean

Dear Editor, Your article Saturday on the Bell County Solid Waste Board made me think about how we ...


The Electoral College: Point/Counterpoint

Point: Our Presidential Elections Are Broken; Here’s the Cure By Saul Anuzis Our current method of electing the ...


Gov. Beshear needs to stop bullying school districts over COVID shutdowns

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced on Monday that, because of lingering concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic, he was ...


COVID in the classroom won’t kill your kids — but keeping them at home could

Will sending your kids back to class during the COVID-19 crisis endanger their lives? Not as much as ...


Back to school like never before

KENTUCKY TODAY The first day of school meets some with excitement and others with dread. As teachers, administrators, ...


Returning to the classroom has more questions than answers

BY ZAC OAKES zac@amnews.com   Like many of you, I’ve been curiously watching and reading as more information ...


Get a COVID test – if not for you, then for someone you love

I’ve washed my hands a thousand times in recent weeks, and I hope you have, too. Hand sanitizer ...


Nurses need more than PPE

By RICH BLUNI, RN Across the U.S., coronavirus infection rates are surging, with no end in sight. If ...


Bad guys apparently don’t wear nice shoes

As editor of The Middlesboro News for just over three months, I’m still learning about the community. One ...

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