Safety tips to keep your dog stress free this Halloween
Published 6:30 am Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Can you believe it is Halloween already! Hobo the Wonder Dog and I want to stress the importance of our “8 Safety Tips for Your Dog This Howl’oween.” Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. The biggest reasons I enjoy Halloween so much is it takes place in the fall of the year. The nights are crisp with just enough nip in the air to bring nature to a time of rest and renewal. Halloween can also bring some pretty frightening and haunting hazards for our pups. “8 Safety Tips for Your Dog This Howl’oween” will help you and your trusted companion make the most of the season while enjoying a safe and stress free Halloween.
Dogs, like people may not enjoy dressing up as your favored superhero, Waldo, Scooby-Doo, or Ghost to fulfill our desire for the perfect pet costume. Halloween can be frightening and risky for our four-legged family members. When we keep our pet’s safety in mind, it helps ensure a safe and fun holiday is had by all. 8 Safety Tips for Your Dog This Howl’oween will point out the obvious and the not so obvious hazards.
1. Candy is never a good idea. Some candy may contain XYLITOL a toxic ingredient to dogs even in small amounts. Chocolate can also be dangerous to your pooch so best practice would be no candy.
2. Party supplies, candy wrappers, tin foil, and cellophane are dangerous if swallowed. These items may be irresistible to your dog.
3. Decorative pumpkins and corn although not poisonous; can cause upset stomach and diarrhea bringing a whole new meaning to scary. Don’t add Pooptacular to describe your Halloween.
4. Decorative lights, wires, and cords kept out of reach. Chewed electrical wires can cause electrical burns causing minor to life threating shock.
5. Lighted pumpkins can easily be turned over causing fire and injury.
6. Use common sense with Trick-or-Treaters at your door. Unless your pup is well socialized and enjoys strange scary creatures coming to the door, keep them in a separate room away from the festivities.
7. Costumes: Make sure your dog enjoys being dressed up beforehand. If you are going to dress your pup up steer clear of costumes with the potential to restrict breathing, barking, hearing, vision, or movement.
8. Some dogs love being dressed in costume but many do not. Only dress your dog in costume if you know they love it and are stress free.
Always have your veterinarian and emergency clinic phone numbers handy in case of an emergency.
Injuries and accidents can ruin the best laid plans of any outing. Take a little time to follow these tips for an accident and stress free holiday. Time with your dog should always be fun and stress free and Halloween is no exception. So get out there and have a tail wagging Spooktacular time and make this Howl’oween stress free.
Hobo the Wonder Dog hopes to see you at the UT Gardens for the fifth annual Howl-O-Ween Pooch Parade and Pet Expo, a fun Halloween-themed event sponsored by the UT Gardens Knoxville and the College of Veterinary Medicine. Sunday, Oct. 21, from 1 to 5 p.m. Free to attend, there is a fee to participate in the parade.
Howl’oween is better with a dog — “Aww-woooo”
Hobo the Wonder Dog, Your guide to travel, health and fun. Please follow Hobo on Facebook at Hobo the Wonder Dog or contact us at: