County to purchase police pursuit vehicles
Published 8:39 am Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Judge talks about COVID in the county
The Bell County Fiscal Court held a regular meeting on Tuesday, discussing business including awarding a bid for police vehicles and approving a resolution.
Bell County Judge-Executive Albey Brock called the meeting to order.
Shortly after, a motion was passed to open bids for police pursuit vehicles. Brock then opened the bid.
“We had one bid, it was from Tim Short,” Brock said. “These are being partially funded through a USDA grant…due to the fact that it is USDA there is some specific language I have to use.”
Brock explained the specifics of the bid to the court.
“The Chevrolet Tahoe is $39,500, for a Dodge Durango it’s $33,000 per spec,” Brock said. “So, I will ask for a motion to award the bids for the police pursuit vehicles…to Tim Short and approve payment according to bid when vehicles are ready.”
The motion passed.
Brock then moved on to a resolution of support concerning the modernization of Kentucky’s transportation funding mechanisms to address transportation funding needs throughout the state.
“The way Kentucky calculates the gas sales proceeds is kind of archaic,” Brock said. “It’s old and antiquated and needs to be modernized. We’ve been asked…to pass a resolution supporting the modernization of the way fuel is assessed.”
The court passed a motion supporting the resolution.
Brock closed the meeting with a brief mention of the COVID-19 situation.
“COVID is running rampant,” Brock said. “Stay safe…If you qualify for the vaccine I encourage you to take it. That’s the answer, to get folks vaccinated.”
Brock mentioned he could name multiple people with COVID-19.
“I could name 10 friends,” Brock said. “Not 10 people I’m aware of, but 10 friends…that presently have COVID, and some aren’t doing well with it.”
Brock asked people to continue to take precautions.
“We need to continue to be careful,” he said. “We can see the finish line here. Get vaccinated and continue to keep you and your family safe.”
In other court activity:
• The court approved a motion to pay bills and make necessary transfers;
• The court accepted the treasurer’s financial statement;
• The Bell County Sheriff’s claim sheet for fee account was accepted;
• The 2021 fee account budget for the Bell County Clerk was approved;
• A payment of $11,950 to Willis Paving, Inc for blacktopping on various county roads to be paid when funds are received was approved;
• Rose Lane and J.R. Road Extension were accepted into the Bell County Road System.