Gerry Brooks inspires educators at professional development event in Pineville

Published 10:03 am Thursday, July 25, 2024

Renowned educator and principal Gerry Brooks from Lexington, Kentucky, brought his unique blend of humor and practical advice to the Bell Theater on July 18, where he led a professional development session for teachers. The event was sponsored by Pineville Stop V, a Partners for Rural Impact program.

Brooks, widely known for his engaging and relatable social media videos about the challenges and joys of teaching, shared valuable insights on building positive school culture and relationships among staff and students. Throughout his presentation, he emphasized the importance of mutual support and understanding within the educational community.

He stressed the importance of building relationships within the district, advising educators to find someone who understands them, as mutual support can significantly ease the challenges of the school year.

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“Find someone in your school who gets you and build a relationship with them,” said Brooks. “No one will help you get through the year better than someone going through it with you.”

Brooks also highlighted the necessity of accepting everyone in the educational environment, likening the school staff to a family and stressing that if educators want their students to work together, they must lead by example.

He underscored the crucial role of demonstrating love and acceptance to students, reminding the audience that every colleague is sacrificing their personal time to ensure the success of someone else’s child. Recognizing this shared commitment can foster unity. Ultimately, he stated, the most important gift educators can give their students is dignity, conveyed through love, respect, and encouragement.

Pineville Independent Schools Superintendent, Russell Thompson, expressed his gratitude for the


“I am very thankful our staff and other local educators could attend Gerry Brooks’ presentation,” said Thompson. “It was a valuable opportunity to prepare for the upcoming year and will enhance our school culture. I appreciate our educators’ dedication and believe this event will help us provide the best experience for our students.”

Brooks encouraged educators to be participants, not bystanders, speaking on the importance of actively participating in school culture, from dressing up on themed days to attending after school events.

Middlesboro Elementary School Principal, Cindy Porter said seeing Brooks was an incredible experience.

“His stories resonate deeply with all educators, and his humor is truly uplifting. His talk reminded me of the passion and enthusiasm that inspired me to become an educator,” she said.

This professional development session aimed to foster a lasting culture of support and

collaboration among educators in Pineville and Middlesboro schools and served as a great kickoff for preparing for the new school year starting in August.