Meet the Doctor at the Middlesboro Community Center

Published 11:19 am Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Come “meet the doctor” on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the Middlesboro Community Center, on 705 N. Petersborough Ave. Dr. James Marcum will be speaking on health-related issues from 7-8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

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Marcum is a cardiologist, specializing in disease reversal at the Chattanooga Heart Institute. A native of Oneida, Tennessee, he also is a speaker and director of the non-profit group Heartwise Ministries.

Marcum also has a syndicated television, radio and social media ministry helping others understand the big picture when it comes to healthcare. His latest books are entitled “Ultimate Prescription” and “Medicines that kill,” along with a seven-week Bible study “Biblical prescriptions for Life” give tools to help others in their search for better health. Dr. Marcum also has a youth health program entitled “God heals me,” that reaches a younger generation.

For more information call Meryl Ward at 606-248-2251.