Who are you really?
Published 2:45 pm Sunday, February 18, 2018
Who am I?
I am a child of the King. I was born with a purpose and prospered with love. I am nothing, but my God is everything to me. He is the one who blesses me with everything that I am. God is love; therefore, because He dwells in me I am loving as well.
It is because of His grace and mercy that I am everything else. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, survivor, author, witness, servant, etc. because God blesses me to be those things. When we really look at it, everything that we are or we will ever become is by the grace of God.
He is the One who created us, teaches us, molds us, and prospers us. God loves us and blesses us to share His love. He holds us secure and shelters us from the storms.
God’s gift to us is our life and the promise of Eternal Salvation. Our gift to Him is how we use and appreciate our life. Living inspired each day and truly being grateful for our lives is pleasing to our Lord. It is a great blessing to wake up each morning and know that there is a purpose for our lives — far beyond our own understanding or Earthly worth. Such peacefulness in knowing that God has a plan for each life created and it all works to our own good.
Sometimes I feel as if my feet are dragging through mud and I’m not going anywhere or accomplishing anything. Often times I feel so small in this great big world. Times when it all seems hopeless and I feel helpless. And that’s when God intercedes and reminds me to do what is possible for me to do and leave the impossible to Him.
I love it when He gives me a little glimpse of where it all started and how far He has brought me along this journey.
At one point, I was confined by the prison of my fears. I tried to put my worth based on the appearance and accomplishments of my flesh. While my circumstances overwhelmed me, my God delivered me.
He transformed me. I went from being ashamed of my scars to being incredibly grateful for them. I stopped seeing myself through the eyes of my enemy. Now when I look at my reflection, I see a child of God. I hope when others see me they see a little glimpse of my God as well. I want my life to be a living testimony of His greatness.
God could have taken me as a baby and I would have never had to suffer. In all reality, the end of my journey would have been the same. God, however, had compassion upon me. He blessed me to live, therefore, I want to live my life for Him.
My life is a work-in-progress. I am constantly growing and changing, and striving to become the person that God created and called me to be. My flesh is filled with faults and failures. The things that I do or don’t do, however, does not change who I am. At the end of the day, I am a sinner saved by His wonderful grace. It’s not who I am that matters, but He who lives in me.
Candida Sullivan is an award-winning author and inspirational speaker. She helps others to develop the mindset to overcome their circumstances. Her recent book, Despite Your Circumstances, won the 2016 CSPA Book of the Year Award in Christian Living. She lives in New Tazewell with her husband and kids. For more information about her books or to schedule her for your event, email her at candidasullivan@yahoo.com.