Local daycare gives back

Published 1:10 pm Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Small Wonders Childcare center in Middlesboro believes strongly in giving back to the community in any way they can. Not only do they provide a much needed service for the community, they have also just completed a donation drive, the first of a hopeful many, that will provide children with a pair of pajamas in case the unfortunate situation arises when a child must leave their home in a hurry.

The pajamas, donated by local citizens and businesses, were given to the Middlesboro Police Department.

Spearheaded by Small Wonders owner Tiffany Hall and co-director Janelle Powell, the pajamas are to be given in emergency situations where children have to be taken out of the home with nothing by the clothes on their back. According to Hall, these situations are sadly common.

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“It happens more often than you would realize. There are so many emergency cases within our county and the surrounding area where foster care is needed and there are emergency situations where Child Protective Services or Social Services are involved and step in to remove the child from the home. In those cases our local police department will assist most of the time,” said Hall.

The reason Hall chose pajamas instead of other items of clothing was because they act as a catch-all attire that cover a child from neck to foot.

Hall was surprised by the support the donations the daycare received. While she wasn’t sure of the exact count, she stated that there were close to 100 pairs of individual pajamas donated.

“We intend on doing things like this throughout the year. We are going to organize something for the Kentucky State Police that is similar to this…we may do a coat drive with them,” said Hall.

While this donation drive was not done to consciously coincide with the holidays, nothing exemplifies the spirit of the season like giving back to the community’s children.