How to have a good day
Published 6:10 am Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Everybody needs a good day every now and then!
Think of something or someone for which you are grateful. Maybe this is easy? Hopefully you have one or maybe dozens of people that are meaningful to you. We all have someone that aggravates us or maybe worse. We’re not going to emphasize that group in this column. They get enough glory. Today just think about those people you enjoy seeing or hearing from.
Have something to do every day. It is better if you have three or things to do. If you are going to work every day you have plenty to do. If you are raising kids or caring for family you have plenty to do. Don’t run out of things to do. Clean your house, work in your yard or find a part time job but have something that requires you to put out some effort.
Do something to take care of your health every day. Walking , bike riding, fervent exercise along with focusing more on healthy eating all have positive effects on our mental well being.
Try to reduce negativity in your life. Don’t watch negative cable television four or five hours a day. They are saying the same things over and over. I suspect you could start talking before you turn on the channel and verbalize almost verbatim what is being said depending on the channel. Also, reduce the negative people time in your life. That may be hard if you live with a negative person or have lots of negative family. Try to be the upbeat person and try to create happier conversations.
This brings us to laughter. Laughter is good medicine for any mind and body. Families that laugh will be happier growing old together. Social groups that interact and laugh can’t wait to gather again. Happy churches that are laughing together will stay together and even grow. Children need to hear their parents laughing and laughing with them.
Don’t make age the deciding factor. A friend of mine had been on the sideline of life for a long time got another chance. Some tough things happened to him in life. He went through a divorce. After this life altering event he got in trouble and had to go to prison. That was a very dark period in his life. However, in time he got back on his feet. He went forward, tried to stay upbeat and at the age of 77 was called to serve a very vibrant church as their senior pastor. For the last three years he has done a tremendous job. He didn’t let his age along with his past failures cripple him for the rest of his life.
Gain strength each day from outside of you. Look to God, a loving spouse, family, friends and good mentors. We all need time to be alone but we also all have times when we need support from outside of ourselves.
We’ve all had a few bad days along the way. Here is to a good day for you and hopefully many of them.
Glenn Mollette is a syndicated columnist and author of 11 books. He is read in all 50 states. Visit and contact him at Like his facebook page at